International Union of Operating Engineers Local 115 Union website
- Project Union website
- Client International Union of Operating Engineers Local 115
- Client Since 2014
- Sector Union
URL: www.iuoe115.ca/

Heat and Frost Insulators Union website
- Project Union website
- Client Heat and Frost Insulators
- Client Since 2010
- Sector Union
URL: insulators118.org

Federation of Post Secondary Educators of BC Union website
- Project Union website
- Client Federation of Post Secondary Educators of BC
- Client Since 1997
- Sector Union
This educators’ association wanted a redesigned site with stronger visual appeal, and a private area where members could communicate. We simplified and streamlined their content, and added lots of images showing their membership at work. We also set up a login area, based on Open Atrium, where instructors and staff could collaborate and share information.
URL: fpse.ca

Unifor Local 2000 Union organizing site
- Project Union organizing site
- Client Unifor Local 2000
- Client Since 1997
- Sector Union
Unifor 2000 is reaching out to digital workers in BC with its DigiUnion organizing campaign. This site focuses on attracting new members, focusing on their unique needs, and addressing their concerns.
URL: joinmediaunion.ca

Unifor Local 2000 Union site
- Project Union site
- Client Unifor Local 2000
- Client Since 1997
- Sector Union
Unifor 2000 is Working Design’s union. It represents about 2500 media workers across BC. In 2014 we redeveloped this site with a contemporary and mobile-responsive theme. We also revised the visual identity to mesh with the look of the newly-formed Unifor national union.
URL: mediaunion.ca

Unifor 333 Union site
- Project Union site
- Client Unifor 333
- Client Since 2013
- Sector Union
URL: unifor333bc.ca

Unifor Media One Union site
- Project Union site
- Client Unifor Media One
- Client Since 2012
- Sector Union
Using a simple custom-made WordPress Content Management System, the Media One site allows CEP staff to update news, post images and manage the site for the union’s 1200 members.
URL: uniformediaone.ca

Heat and Frost Insulators Local 118 Campaign website
- Project Campaign website
- Client Heat and Frost Insulators Local 118
- Client Since 2010
- Sector Union
BC’s mechanical insulators’ union built this campaign to raise awareness about the environmental benefits and cost savings of properly installed mechanical insulation. Their message is aimed at developers, other mechanical contractors, building owners, architects, engineers, politicians and senior staff at all levels of government, and the public.
URL: www.energyconservationspecialists.org