A good website gives your audience what it’s looking for. And it tells them what’s important about you. From concept to marketing and visual appeal, we design sites that are user friendly and technically proficient.
Roughedged Jewelry Jewelrymaker’s site
- Project Jewelrymaker’s site
- Client Roughedged Jewelry
- Client Since 2012
- Sector Small business
URL: roughedged.ca

First Call Advocacy coalition website
- Project Advocacy coalition website
- Client First Call
- Client Since 2014
- Sector Social services
URL: firstcallbc.org

Pacific Centre for Environmental Law and Litigation Law firm website
- Project Law firm website
- Client Pacific Centre for Environmental Law and Litigation
- Client Since 2016
- Sector Environmental law
URL: pacificcell.ca

International Union of Operating Engineers Local 115 Union website
- Project Union website
- Client International Union of Operating Engineers Local 115
- Client Since 2014
- Sector Union
URL: www.iuoe115.ca/

Terra Housing Business website
- Project Business website
- Client Terra Housing
- Client Since 2009
- Sector Social housing
A changing business environment was the main impetus for Terra Housing to redevelop its website and rebrand its identity. At the same time the company wanted to update its in house systems to incorporate new tools and technologies. And it wanted to engage clients in a collaborative online project management system through an intranet as part of its online retooling.
URL: terrahousing.ca

The Vancouver Aquabus Ferry service
- Project Ferry service
- Client The Vancouver Aquabus
- Client Since 2012
- Sector Small business
URL: theaquabus.com

Heritage Hall Events venue
- Project Events venue
- Client Heritage Hall
- Client Since 2013
- Sector Small business
URL: heritagehall.bc.ca

Organized by Jane Home Organizer
- Project Home Organizer
- Client Organized by Jane
- Sector Small business / arts
URL: organizedbyjane.ca

Barcelona Culture Cultural Tours website
- Project Cultural Tours website
- Client Barcelona Culture
- Client Since 2014
- Sector Small business

The Yoga House on Mayne Island Yoga Workshops
- Project Yoga Workshops
- Client The Yoga House on Mayne Island
- Client Since 2007
- Sector Small business
This mobile-friendly single-page site was a perfect solution for this yoga teacher’s simple, small classes held at a variety of venues.

Dovetail Consulting Consulting Group
- Project Consulting Group
- Client Dovetail Consulting
- Client Since 2014
- Sector Small business
URL: www.dovetailconsulting.com

- Project Workingfolio
Workingfolio is a portfolio website template for visual artists developed by Working Design. Its goal is to provide artists with a customizable, affordable and professional website. We set up the site, assist with content development and basic marketing and teach users how to update and maintain by themselves. We used the popular WordPress CMS (Content Management System) to develop Workingfolio.
Go see the demonstration model. www.workingfolio.workingdesign.ca

Heat and Frost Insulators Union website
- Project Union website
- Client Heat and Frost Insulators
- Client Since 2010
- Sector Union
URL: insulators118.org

Federation of Post Secondary Educators of BC Union website
- Project Union website
- Client Federation of Post Secondary Educators of BC
- Client Since 1997
- Sector Union
This educators’ association wanted a redesigned site with stronger visual appeal, and a private area where members could communicate. We simplified and streamlined their content, and added lots of images showing their membership at work. We also set up a login area, based on Open Atrium, where instructors and staff could collaborate and share information.
URL: fpse.ca

Caerwent House Stories House history service
- Project House history service
- Client Caerwent House Stories
- Client Since 2012
- Sector Small business / research
URL: housestories.ca

Unifor Local 2000 Union organizing site
- Project Union organizing site
- Client Unifor Local 2000
- Client Since 1997
- Sector Union
Unifor 2000 is reaching out to digital workers in BC with its DigiUnion organizing campaign. This site focuses on attracting new members, focusing on their unique needs, and addressing their concerns.
URL: joinmediaunion.ca

Colin Thomas Editing service
- Project Editing service
- Client Colin Thomas
- Client Since 2011
- Sector Small business / arts
It’s gratifying to work with skilled communicators. In this collaboration with Vancouver editor, writer and theatre critic Colin Thomas, we developed a site showing his writing and editing skills in action. Thomas developed the idea of the visual icons for the main navigation and urged us toward a light and accessible graphic interface.
URL: colinthomas.ca

Unifor Local 2000 Union site
- Project Union site
- Client Unifor Local 2000
- Client Since 1997
- Sector Union
Unifor 2000 is Working Design’s union. It represents about 2500 media workers across BC. In 2014 we redeveloped this site with a contemporary and mobile-responsive theme. We also revised the visual identity to mesh with the look of the newly-formed Unifor national union.
URL: mediaunion.ca

Unifor 333 Union site
- Project Union site
- Client Unifor 333
- Client Since 2013
- Sector Union
URL: unifor333bc.ca

WriteDesign Graphic design portfolio
- Project Graphic design portfolio
- Client WriteDesign
- Client Since 2011
- Sector Arts
URL: writedesign.ca

Ron Verzuh Journalism website
- Project Journalism website
- Client Ron Verzuh
- Client Since 2010
URL: www.ronverzuh.ca

Gino Pezzani Realty Realtor website
- Project Realtor website
- Client Gino Pezzani Realty
- Client Since 2010
- Sector Small business
Lower Mainland realtor Gino Pezzani needed a redeveloped site that he could update easily, something that his old site didn’t allow. Using a readymade WordPress theme, we were able to quickly adapt his existing content into a much more visually accessible site that met his marketing needs. Already web savvy, Pezzani did a lot of the work himself including adapting his banner design, loading content and adding various widgets. Looking to buy or sell some real estate?
URL: vanhomesales.com

Unifor Media One Union site
- Project Union site
- Client Unifor Media One
- Client Since 2012
- Sector Union
Using a simple custom-made WordPress Content Management System, the Media One site allows CEP staff to update news, post images and manage the site for the union’s 1200 members.
URL: uniformediaone.ca

Environmental Law Centre Environmental Law Centre
- Project Environmental Law Centre
- Client Environmental Law Centre
- Client Since 2014
- Sector NGO / Environment
URL: elc.uvic.ca

BC Centre of Excellence for Women's Health Health research site
- Project Health research site
- Client BC Centre of Excellence for Women's Health
- Client Since 2004
- Sector Health
We originally developed a site for this project when in began in 2010. Five years later, the project complete, the researchers needed a site that presented tools, online training, and information about gender transformative health promotion, that was easy for them to maintain and update.
URL: promotinghealthinwomen.ca

The Media Democracy Project Media studies & advocacy
- Project Media studies & advocacy
- Client The Media Democracy Project
- Client Since 2013

The Media Democracy Project Media studies conference
- Project Media studies conference
- Client The Media Democracy Project
- Client Since 2013
We developed this responsive, mobile-friendly single page site for the 2013 Media Democracy Days event.

Columbia Institute Social policy group
- Project Social policy group
- Client Columbia Institute
- Client Since 2007
- Sector Research
The heart of the Centre for Civic Governance site is its extensive publications library. We developed an easy to use navigation that allows users to browse and search a wide range of topics, and explore the Centre’s deep archive of publications and resources.
URL: www.civicgovernance.ca

Alma Foundation International Development website
- Project International Development website
- Client Alma Foundation
- Sector NGO
URL: Alma Foundation

Solo Collective Theatre Theatre company
- Project Theatre company
- Client Solo Collective Theatre
- Client Since 2013
- Sector Arts
URL: solocollective.ca

Columbia Institute Research institute website
- Project Research institute website
- Client Columbia Institute
- Client Since 2007
The Columbia Institute focuses on sustainable, inclusive communities and work in Civic Governance. The site is a hub for municipal leaders, researchers, academics, labour and students.
URL: columbiainstitute.ca

Centre for the Study of Gender, Social Inequities and Mental Health Research organization website
- Project Research organization website
- Client Centre for the Study of Gender, Social Inequities and Mental Health
- Client Since 2010
- Sector Health
The Centre for the Study of Gender, Social Inequities and Mental Health at Simon Fraser University is at the forefront of doing research and sharing knowledge on intersections between gender, social inequities and mental health. Working Design developed a site that helps connect researchers within specific study areas, showcases new research, provides a source for news and upcoming events.

Heat and Frost Insulators Local 118 Campaign website
- Project Campaign website
- Client Heat and Frost Insulators Local 118
- Client Since 2010
- Sector Union
BC’s mechanical insulators’ union built this campaign to raise awareness about the environmental benefits and cost savings of properly installed mechanical insulation. Their message is aimed at developers, other mechanical contractors, building owners, architects, engineers, politicians and senior staff at all levels of government, and the public.
URL: www.energyconservationspecialists.org

Kiwassa Neighbourhood House Kiwassa Neighbourhood House
- Project Kiwassa Neighbourhood House
- Client Kiwassa Neighbourhood House
- Client Since 2005
- Sector Social services
Kiwassa Neighbourhood House has been serving a diverse east side community since the late 1950’s. The website development was the core piece of an overall rebranding project that Working Design undertook with the organization. Many of Kiwassa’s users speak English as a second language. We emphasized photographs and large display buttons to encourage visitors to self-identify and quickly access the programs designed for them.
URL: www.kiwassa.ca

BC Labour History Centre History project website
- Project History project website
- Client BC Labour History Centre
- Client Since 2010
- Sector Association
The BC Labour Heritage Centre site informs readers about the history of work and working people in the province while acting as a hub for gathering stories, photos, videos and more. The frequently updated blog connects visitors to issues and events linking labour’s history to the present.
URL: www.labourheritagecentre.ca

Trial Lawyers of BC Campaigns website
- Project Campaigns website
- Client Trial Lawyers of BC
- Client Since 2007
- Sector Professional association
The Protecting Justice for BC website promotes three separate campaigns. The first makes the case for legislative change on Wrongful Death. The second highlights auto insurance and ICBC-related matters. The third campaign promotes the need to preserve the Civil Jury as a cornerstone of civil law in BC.
URL: www.protectingjusticeforbc.org

Patricia Viel Artist portfolio
- Project Artist portfolio
- Client Patricia Viel
- Client Since 2010
- Sector Small business / arts
Patricia Viel’s artist portfolio site focuses on the Vancouver painter’s four main marketing themes displayed on the home page slide show. Users can choose from a portfolio subject – portrait, landscape, home portraits– or learn about the classes she offers. The site is based on the Workingfolio WordPress theme developed by Working Design to assist visual artists in meeting their marketing goals.
URL: www.patriciaviel.com

North Shore Community Services Community services website
- Project Community services website
- Client North Shore Community Services
- Client Since 2008
- Sector Social services
North Shore Community Services Connect for Kids is an online directory offering information and support for families with young children. It is a directory of comprehensive, searchable links that can be looked at and sorted in a number of ways, including by specific activity and age group. The home page provides news and a spotlight section for upcoming events.